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You have your HZ disc, now what!? Start here

Welcome to having periods on your terms!

Here are our top tips to get you started using your Hey Zomi reusable menstrual disc. Yay!

We know it can be daunting or that there is a bit of a learning curve when it comes to figure out using products like this for the first time.

But do not fear! We have some top tips to get you started. These suggestions can really make all the difference when using a menstrual disc for the first time.

One suggestion we also forgot to mention was SHOWER POWER! Removing, rinsing and reinserting your Hey Zomi disc in the shower is such a great solution to mess when you first start out. It's a place you're so relaxed and everything washes away.

Mika even takes her lube into the shower to make inserting her disc even easier!

Finding your cervix is also a really helpful and empowering way to understand how your disc is positioned and to ensure you have no leaks.
Find out more here in our tutorial -

Practice makes perfect and we are totally cheering for you!

Big love,
Zoe & Mika

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